Change in leadership, a sign of continuity

The latter part of 2021 has seen a renewal of the Members of the Board of Directors of Zollia Holding. After fifty years of leadership, first as the head of the Brovedani Group and then of the Holding, Benito Zollia is leaving the office of Chairman of the family company to take on the role of Honorary Chairman. He is succeeded by his son Massimiliano, with Alberto Ricci as Vice-Chairman, and Alberto Felice De Toni and Mauro De Bona as Directors.  “What we have done,” points out the new Chairman, “represents a natural, physiological, widely expected transition, which maintains the Holding’s spirit as a family run business, whilst adding the value of two highly competent and strategic professionals to take the subsidiary forward into the future. In the face of the new challenges, which in a short time have significantly broadened the horizons of the Brovedani Group’s activities, it is useful to have people at our side with the appropriate cultural and professional tools to recognise and deal with the complexity of the present day and the future. The choice, of course, does not question the legacy of values that has always been at the core of our family and our entrepreneurial vision, and today is also deeply shared by the two new Directors.”    

The new website: the commitment to communicate

By publishing the new website, Zollia Holding embarked on a communication journey that will also involve the subsidiary Brovedani Group and today pursues three objectives:     

  • presenting the philosophy, the business culture, the strategic direction and the governance of the holding;
  • announcing with transparency and continuity: choices, decisions, activities, appointments and reports that relate to the holding, its dealings with the Brovedani Group and the stakeholders in general;
  • having a channel that enhances and expresses the sense and the aims of the participation of the holding and the Zollia family in entrepreneurial, social and cultural projects where it is a promoter or player.
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