Brovedani: the desire to keep on course

2020 will go down in history as the most difficult year since 1945. Also for a manufacturing group like Brovedani that is used to rising to the stiffest organizational and technological challenges with precision down to a tenth of a micron, the invisible enemy represented by Covid 19 constitutes an unprecedented challenge because of all the imponderable variables.

As we know, the motor industry was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, both in terms of supply and demand. On the one hand, the complexity, the high quality standards and keen competition between car manufacturers result in global networks that involve myriad highly specialized companies, with the concrete risk that just one weak link may compromise the productive potential of the entire chain and that faults may move in space and time, following the pandemic flows and lockdowns. On the other hand, the reduction in purchasing power has greatly reduced demand for goods like cars that involve families in major financial investments. It is accordingly inevitable that also Brovedani Group has felt the “pandemic crisis” because its core engineering business supplies the big automotive players.

In this instable climate, in which it is difficult to make forecasts, it is indispensable to have deep roots and extremely flexible divisions. “Our holding and our family are close to Brovedani Group”, declared Vice Chairman Massimiliano Zollia, “with the objective of keeping the company on course in the storms of this unusual historical moment. It is above all important to consolidate the principles of Benito Zollia, which for half a century have been the vital values of the Group. In particular, we want to pursue governance that is attentive to environmental and social aspects, with an eye to quality of life in the workplace and the human capital that is the true wealth of our way of doing business, above all in the transitional critical phases. That is why we have taken it as a good omen that Brovedani was awarded the Welfare Index PMI 2020 for the second year running in the face of competition from a short list of 78 Italian companies because it placed health, safety and welfare at the centre of company life and showed a great ability to react and resilience to the impact of the Covid crisis”.  “But it is just as important”, Massimiliano Zollia continues, “to be proactive, to look for new horizons. As Zollia Holding, we support the approach that Brovedani management has taken for some years, for example by expanding the core business and designing and devising special machines, automation and organizational services for Manufacturing 4.0. We are convinced that the combination of stable values and the ability to challenge ourselves creatively will enable us to build the business of the future.”