With ICM for Kadmos: culture without frontiers

Investing in culture is an important choice for Zollia Holding, on two conditions: promoting through culture the growth of the area and the persons who work there; promoting ideas with a high rate of innovation, in accordance with the philosophy of the holding and of the subsidiary Group.

The collaboration with ICM – (Institute for Central European Cultural Meetings) has lived up to these expectations, both in terms of the significance of the initiatives promoted by this historic association of Gorizia and by their focus on the future, also through experiments in new discourse and digital instruments. Zollia Holding is in particular going to support ICM over the longer term in the Kadmos project, which will comprise KADMOS_ Studi mitteleuropei, a six-monthly journal with academic articles in different languages on a variety of topics written by academics from various humanities disciplines working in the area of central Europe; and KADMOS_Informatore mitteleuropeo, a blogsite with a journalistic narrative slant and multimedia content dedicated to central Europe in its higher and current meaning of place “without borders”, a place of meetings and dialogues whose symbolic centre of gravity is the very town of Gorizia, where Zollia Holding operates.  The Kadmos project will be officially presented in the course of the Humanitas Conference, the 55th Cultural Meeting of ICM, which will be held for the first time in webinar mode.

This commitment also corresponds to a feeling of sharing a special history and geography, as the Chairman Benito Zollia points out: “I have always felt close to ICM, as a healthy expression of my town, a point of convergence of the three peoples: Latin, Slav and Germanic in which four languages have existed naturally alongside one another for centuries: Italian, Slovenian, German and Friulano. That is why I think that nurturing the Kadmos seed means continuing to keep our geographical window wide open to those influences and contaminations from worlds that are different but communicate together that have enriched our land. Curiosity and opening up to elsewhere were and continue to be decisive also for the growth of our company because the new that is necessary for progressing nearly always comes from elsewhere. As Ivo Andrić wrote about bridges: ‘our hope is all on the other side’.”

With Kadmos and ICM, Zollia Holding is thus going to take part in a project that is live, useful and exciting also in terms of the means of communication, with content integrated into an interesting multimedia and multilingual setting.